Martha When Martha heard the Master Was coming she started right away Cleaning sweeping the floor wait what Was she doing she thought she had to Put water on to boil and then she was At the windows with rags and next The spiders that had lived comfortably In the corners came down and all The while her sister Mary was just Standing there in the doorway In a shawl ignoring her cries That she help her typical of Mary Who was bookish and spacey She was pouring all the barley They had left and a little salt Into the water when she sensed The light change and without turning Knowing she was being importunate She said over her shoulder Master Will you tell my sister to help me But he told her not to trouble herself So much and should be more Like her sister who always got away With everything Martha thought Because she was so beautiful
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Martha When Martha heard the Master Was coming she started right away Cleaning sweeping the floor wait what Was she doing she thought she had to Put water on to boil and then she was At the windows with rags and next The spiders that had lived comfortably In the corners came down and all The while her sister Mary was just Standing there in the doorway In a shawl ignoring her cries That she help her typical of Mary Who was bookish and spacey She was pouring all the barley They had left and a little salt Into the water when she sensed The light change and without turning Knowing she was being importunate She said over her shoulder Master Will you tell my sister to help me But he told her not to trouble herself So much and should be more Like her sister who always got away With everything Martha thought Because she was so beautiful