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Real As This.

No matter what you think of it, the world,

despite never ceasing to make beautiful women

and the women beautiful, will come to an end —

When something as real as her intentions,

and care, affection, and the incessant scolding

would become as timeless as her light gray hair,

as hopeful as her eyes for you, as cheerful as

her aura and her make-believe happiness too,

And when someone as surreal as the ageless lass

in her day is made to put herself into the fray

of the limitless skies of the Earth, the world

will come to an end, when the one who

helped you become, the one who gave you birth,

becomes as ageless as her knees and the bend,

but only when you'll know she has gone to

sleep forever, will the world come to an end.

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