The Box
The Box
The man who made this box believed
The world could use another.
Some things that were out needed
Something to be kept inside of.
Or maybe he didn’t make it
To store anything in, but to make
The amorphous air particular.
He made it slowly. There was no
Need to hurry. He wanted the box
To be a good one. There was a chance
It would be his last. It was with regret
That he left it when she called him
In for supper. What are you making
Out there? she asked him one night.
A box, he said. What for? she asked.
Lot of things have to answer for
What they’re good for, he said,
But I’ve never known a box to
Have to. Is it for me? she asked.
Could be, he said. Then you better
Buy me some things to put in it,
She said. Like what? he asked.
Like clothes, she said. Oh it’ll close,
He said. It’ll open too. Funny,
She said. I thought so, he said.