God started over too.
Decided he would
Wipe everything out
Save Noah, to whom
He handed down
The blueprints for the ark
The waters that drowned
The earth would lift,
That world the first
Rough draft of a poem
From which the poet
Manages to salvage
One good line.
Had you seen the earth
From space then,
You would have seen
A whirling blue orb,
A planet composed
Solely of water.
Not even the peak
Of Everest could pierce
The surface upon which
A pitch-black ship drifted,
Sans sails, there being
No destination,
The three decks colorful
With every kind,
The lions drooling
Into the wool of the lambs.
Maybe he should have
Left it that way,
A perfect sphere
Of water spinning
Around the sun,
The ark an ossuary
Of delicate bones.
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God started over too.
That's a great perspective.